Locate the nearest hospitals in the area that you will mainly be staying in. In emergency situations it is always important to know where the nearest one is located to you, so that you can get there in time to receive help and healing. You know never know when an accident will occur, or when someone will attempt to be violent towards you, or when you may find yourself in a situation where medical care is an absolute essential in order for your continued survival.
Hospitals also double as a place to go during extremely cold or extremely hot temperatures. Most hospitals have central air inside of them, and during the winter time, have heat, for the patients and other people waiting inside. You can take advantage of this when you find yourself freezing or dehydrated from the extreme heat. You just walk in, find a seat in a corner somewhere, and sit down, until temperatures change outside or until you feel that you can confidently handle whatever the weather is like outside. =)
God Bless
Hospitals also double as a place to go during extremely cold or extremely hot temperatures. Most hospitals have central air inside of them, and during the winter time, have heat, for the patients and other people waiting inside. You can take advantage of this when you find yourself freezing or dehydrated from the extreme heat. You just walk in, find a seat in a corner somewhere, and sit down, until temperatures change outside or until you feel that you can confidently handle whatever the weather is like outside. =)
God Bless
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